Our Guidelines

We post new products every day on the Gifts For Men website. We routinely accept guest submissions, provided that the gift meets the standards of our other featured products. If you're looking to get your product featured on our site, we request that you follow the required guidelines:

Step 1: Create A Catchy Title

The title should be generally be 2-5 words and not include any branding information or be too descriptive. An example of a good title might be "Red Pen" instead of "Red Ballpoint Pen With Refillable Cartridges".

Step 2: Provide A Well Written Unique Description

Write concise descriptions that explain what the product is, how it works, and why you need it. Search engines these days hate duplicate content, so please make sure the description does not contain any copied content found on another website.

Step 3: Include A Crisp Product Photo

We look for products that are eye catching, and products that contain a crisp image with a colorful background are at the top of the list. A product shot that clearly expains what the product is or how it works is ideal.